Monday, August 30, 2010

Sunday Nights Eye Still on Godly Character with Tim Tebow

The long awaited Sunday Night Football Season was even more highly anticipated as thousands, maybe millions of Tim Tebow fans waited to see his Bronco quarterback debut.  During a half-time interview he said that he was blessed for having the opportunity to play for the Broncos.

Many people like Tim Tebow because he is the "Real Deal" when it comes to his Faith in Jesus, and many don't for the same reason?  Like you who read this, there are many people looking to see if you and I are the "Real Deal".  I believe most want Tim and you to succeed, just to know God has people who can be on top and yet humbly step aside to let Christ get the Glory.  Don't be fooled, there are always enemies lurking in the shadows to capitalize on our failures, and I have had my share of them (failures that is, just ask my friends).

Sunday, Tim threw the first touchdown pass of his professional career, but his greatest touchdown was not a pass, but rather a catch he made when he received Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior.  That wasn't covered on ESPN - that's ok.  Is it just me or is the fact that this was "Sunday" a coincidence?  Coincidence is God's middle name!  He is also closer to Heaven at Mile High Stadium - ok I am going to stop.  I just couldn't resist...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Better to be called a Bigot and be Right, than a Traitor and be Left?

Last night on Fox News, Sean Hannity had two guest "discussing" the mosque issue near the 911 sight in New York.  I don't recall there names however I do recall their Stance.  The lady was making the statement that this was a sensitivity issue to the Americans who were killed during this attack.  I forgot, who attacked us again???  The "gentleman" (which he was not) started throwing out the "B" word while she was talking.  The lady was impressive and held her own, but I want to look at definitions today.

THE RIGHT WORD (taken from Apple Dictionary)An enthusiast displays an intense and eager interest in something (a sky-diving enthusiast).fanatic is not only intense and eager but possibly irrational in his or her enthusiasmfanatic suggests extreme devotion and a willingness to go to any length to maintain or carry out one's beliefs (a fly-fishing fanatic who hired a helicopter to reach his favorite stream).zealot exhibits not only extreme devotion but vehement activity in support of a cause or goal (feminist zealot who spent most of her time campaigning for women's rights).An extremist is a supporter of extreme doctrines or practices, particularly in a political context (paramilitary extremist who anticipated the overthrow of the government).But it is the bigot who causes the most trouble, exhibiting obstinate and often blind devotion to his or her beliefs and opinions. In contrast to fanatic and zealot, the term bigot implies intolerance and contempt for those who do not agree (a bigot who could not accept his daughter's decision to marry outside her religion).

I do not know of one person who is forced to live in the United States?  Or one person who has been tortured or killed for converting to Christianity in our nation?  Or one woman who after being raped was punished by public "lashings" because "she brought it upon herself" while the male criminals were released without punishment?

Besides, whomever did these things would be considered "Bigots" by definition!

Being "free" does not mean doing whatever you want - that is actually bondage!

Monday, August 23, 2010

A mosque overlooking 911 Sight? WAKE UP AMERICA!!!

This Country was founded on Revolution, not rebellion.  Our Founding Fathers believed there was a better way and that not all ways are the same!  We are so interested in giving everyone, everything and every-religion equal rights that we are completely undermining what our Founders worked and died for!

The subversive-liberal media and there government and judicial representatives want us to believe that the Islam religion is the "most peaceful religion" when  in fact it is the most violent.  The Islam plan is to destroy from within no matter how long it takes.  Americans are spoiled and want things quickly.  We are not a people of patience and planning.  We have become an easy target for any wacky cult, militia group or  terrorist training organization within our own borders tearing away Americans Rights.

You may disagree with me and have that right to be wrong, however after 200+ years as a nation muslims have infiltrated the highest office in this country!  I do not believe it was our Founding Fathers plan to give rights to individuals, peoples or nations that openly plan to undermine this Nation - do you?  It is my personal belief that if you support a mosque near the 911 sight, you are an enemy of this nation.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My Father on The Declaration of Independence / Constitution Part 1

How many of you have actually read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution including all of the Amendments?  How many of you who have read them have read them within the last 10 days, 10 weeks, 10 months or 10 years?

I have just reread them and had forgotten how powerful this short statement really is.  It rekindles the love for our country (if you have one, and if you don’t, then why are you reading this?) and the obvious love that the Founding Fathers had forAmerica.

I shall not write it all here now but I shall give it to you bit by bit.  I pray that it has the same impact on you that it had on me.

 When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect for the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
To be continued. . .

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Still just a Male or has a Man Emerged?

Mary A. Kassian, an award winning author and renowned speaker, is the author of Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild.  I was listening to her being interviewed about her book on the radio a few weeks ago and she was talking about some of the responses and comments she has received from men.  One gentleman in particular had called in and told Miss Mary that as a "Male" he was attracted to "Girls Gone Wild", however as he matured more into a "Man" he was now repulsed by it!

I have some friends today who seem to turn juvenile when talking about women, and they are in their 40's and 50's.  This is every mans struggle - not just the issue of the opposite sex but trying to "Man-Up".  There are some things in life that my wife should never have to deal with or worry about  - because she didn't just marry a male but a Man.