Friday, June 26, 2015

America Doesn't NEED A Christian President!

WHAT!?  Ernie have you lost it?  Don't you see the Falling of America right before our eyes?

I wonder how many will just look at this title and make an improper judgement?  Oh well, let me explain.

As I am writing this, today the Supreme Court (which they are obviously not) made "homosexual marriage" the law of the land AND our White House in a disgusting display of rebellion, lit-up in rainbow colors.

First, I wouldn't mind having a Christian President, actually I just want a person of Character, Honest, Moral that loves "THIS" COUNTRY and all it's people.  Someone willing to stand for what is right and fight what is wrong tooth and nail.  Hey Ernest, what is right???  A person with the traits I mentioned above will KNOW what is right.  We have been listening to so many fools in government and media, most can not discern right from wrong.  Obviously I just eliminated a bunch of people and especially anyone that doesn't know right from wrong and the ones not willing to stand for what is right.

America doesn't need a Christian president to be blessed, it needs the Christians that are in America to follow God's simple plan for restoration.  The following verse is specifically told to Israel, however this verse is clearly universal to all of God's People. Did you read what I just said; God's People, not government, hollywood, the media, the unsaved - God's People!

2Chronicles 7:14  if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

This verse is specifically about God's covenant with Israel and the Jews.  America is not a covenant nation.  God has made no promise that guarantees our national status. If Israel had to fulfill the conditions for divine blessing even though God had covenanted with them, then America certainly has no special claim of a blessing from God.  As long as unbelief and disobedience to the Word of God rainbow color the soul of our nation, we cannot expect the blessing of God.  Israel didn't get it in her unbelief.

The verse above tells us if we do 4 things, God will do 3.  [If you know me, I am into numbers and "3" represents the Trinity and the number "4" represents separation such as light from darkness.  Further if you add the two numbers you get "7" which is the number of completeness - just saying]

More importantly is that the "healing" of our land is not conditional of a nation wide revival (that would be nice), a christian majority of citizens (that would be nice too), or a Christian president (and yes, that would be nice also), BUT God's People (whom ever and how many ever) would just do what He says...  I believe in an instant, with undeniable power from Heaven our Nation would begin to change.  Really Ernie, in an instant?   LET'S FIND OUT


Monday, June 22, 2015

Obama's Faith : Believer, Unbeliever or Make-Believer?

Back on September 29th 2010 on the Drudge Report President Obama stated in an article that "I am a Christian by choice".  However on several ocassions  in both 2008 and 2009 he states "We don't consider ourselves a Christian Nation".  This president said he folows the "precepts" taught by Jesus Christ and that this is what guides him?

The presidents statement of faith came because many Americans believe he is muslim.  Why would we believe that, because he himself said he was raised muslim by his father and attended islamic schooling or that his convictions are so far to the subversive left (abortion, homosexuality) or that he has been called "messiah" (he doesn't deserve capitalization) and has said nothing to refute it, which is blasphemy to God!?

Islam is directly opposed to Christianity and while I'm here let me get this off my chest to Christian "beleivers";  If you voted for this president in the 2008 election knowing his stand on abortion and homosexuality you are either greatly deceiving yourself with your faith (make-believer) or you couldn't possibly be in God's Will.

This president says he knows God?  Satan knows God!  I know God, just as I know George Washington - as a matter of historical fact, however, I also know God like I know my wife and close friend - intimately, on a deep personal level.  To know Jesus historically (as a fact) is only religion.  To know Christ personally is a Relationship!

Whom do you "know"???