Saturday, August 1, 2015

Institute of International Finance calls for Global Currency

This is rearing it's ugly head again this coming October (2015)?  I wrote this four years ago.

Prior to the International Monetary Fund and World Bank meeting last weekend in Washington DC, the Institute of International Finance made "another" call for a one-world global currency.  This organization represents 420 of the world's largest banks and finance houses.  Pushing this agenda is: you guessed it the United Nations.

A quick editir's note (thats me); I have some friends, mostly enemies which criticize what I say, do and write about and sometimes all three!  With people like that, why would I pay for some one or group to criticize me when I can get more than I want for free?  The answer is I wouldn't, then why do we continue to put up with the United Nations which by the way are united against us!  I digress.

An IIF policy letter, dated Oct. 4 stated that global currency coordination was needed, in the group's view, to prevent a looming currency war.  "Likewise, a July United Nations report called for the replacement of the dollar as the standard for holding foreign-exchange reserves in international trade with a new one-world currency issued by the International Monetary Fund." (Reported by  

Check out Dr David Jeremiah's book The Coming Economic Armageddon to see what is really happening and why.