Friday, November 1, 2019

Cry For The UnBorn

Great, Good and Gracious God, we your body of believers here, come before you on behalf of our Nation which is seemingly running away from You Lord God. Your word says “where two or more are gathered in Your Name, You are in the Midst of them”.You have already been in the midst of this atrocity, this ritualistic sacrifice of the unborn called ABORTION and have been waiting for Your Bride to gather around You!
As we pray unto our God Jehovah, may there be nothing, no sin in our lives between us to hinder our prayers. And so I ask for forgiveness of my sins which are many, my families sins, the sins of our church body, specifically the Sin of Omission – doing NOTHING why your Babies cry out to us for help and to be rescued. 

The Church is called Your Bride (female)and Your Son, our Savior, The Bridegroom(male). It should be our nature to nurture and our purpose to protect, the unborn. Lord we ask forgiveness now on our complacency, our apathy, our turning and looking away, our quiet voices and pulpits. For those in the Body of Christ Jesus, that have had, or taken part in an abortion, we plead the Blood of The Lamb of Christ Jesus over them, for it is the ONLY thing that can wash away their sin and ours. 

Our Lord, My LORD GOD who sits on high and watches over His Word to perform, we ask You to take control of this sin that plagues our hearts, our nation and our Souls. Hear the cries of not only those Babies, but your Church.

Your Word says in 2 Chronicles 7 that “Solomon finished the house of the Lord”and“successfully accomplished all that came into his heart to make in the house of the LORD and in his own house”“Then the LORD appeared to Solomon by night, and said to him: "I have heard your prayer, and have chosen this place for Myself.”
Father God, you know the plans we have for Your Name at our new property and that we successfully accomplish them there and in our own homes also, in Jesus Name. Then your word says; “When I shut up heaven and there is no rain,”(Lord there is no rain of prayers from your people on behalf of the unborn)“or command the locusts to devour the land,”(Lord this Sin of Abortion is devouring our land)“or send pestilence among My people”,(the Churches apathy and complacency has been a stench to Your Nostrils). BUT You Oh Gracious God have given us a remedy of hope; for “if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
Today we humbly bow our knees and hearts before The Creator of all things, we Your people, the called, men and women who can discern the times, chosen by You for such a time as this. We are praying and seeking Your Face and not Your Hand today. Help us by the power of the Holy Spirit to turn from our wicked ways. Show us in our lives what we need to get rid of so that You will hear our prayers in heaven! Lord, hear us now as Your people cry out, and forgive our sin Oh God, and heal Your Church, our families, and our land.


Saturday, July 6, 2019

Time for Team America

First things first; no one forces anyone to "pledge" their allegiance to anything in our country, but I Pledge Allegiance To The Flag of this country.  When you have pledged yourself Of United States of America, there are and should be many benefits to this allegiance.  Most notably the Freedom's and Right's granted to us by OUR Constitution to which our sacred right is the VOTE in this land.

We do extend the Freedom's and Right's of OUR Constitution to visitors and guests of OUR Nation, HOWEVER, when you withdraw your allegiance and or perform an act deliberately disrespecting our great land And To The Republic For Which It Stands, for, then those Freedom's and Right's should be removed and so should you!

This Country was NOT founded on "rebellion" (which the Bible calls the same as witchcraft-evil) but on Revolution.  We are One Nation Under GOD and when it's own citizens don't understand this great blessing and responsibility given to us by our Creator for not only the good of us and Israel, but the World, it takes us from Indivisible, With Liberty And Justice For All., to divided and weak, a help for no one including ourselves.

One great thing about teams is that they are united, putting the team above self or personal interests, not caring about the race or color of your teammates.  Being able to celebrate with those different from ourselves, to hug and legitimately care and be concerned for other players, especially injured ones and their families.  Knowing your position on the team and the part it plays for a successful outcome.

Last night, two college football teams played in the largest recorded venue, 156,990 attendees!  It was more than the 22 players on the field, the ones on the side lines, the coaches and staff, the sportscasters, cameramen, writers, security, vendors, ticket takers, construction crew, field maintenance people, janitors and of course the Dr Pepper man.  You getting what I'm putting down yet?  When we are like minded, not alike in looks, color or thought, but like minded in Spirit, Our Nation Under God has accomplished more than any other!

With sports and entertainment "stars" not standing for OUR "National Anthem" and people regularly burning or desecrating OUR FLAG, it is time to call on OUR team to return to the field, Team America!

Blessings this 911 America