Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Conspiracy to remove the Priest, Provider & Protector (Part II)

As I began in the previous blog, I believe there is ALWAYS a conspiracy going on, and in order to explain the subversive objective to undermine what has been set in place, I must outline and explain what that plan is.  (That is one of the longest sentences I have ever written.)  We started with the Priest, and now move to the Provider.

The Provider (first fold)
Typically what comes to mind and should is family provision; such as clothes, food, shelter, emotional and educational support (Love, Encouragement & Teaching) to name a few.
1Timothy 5:8 NLT
Since those who won't care for their relatives, especially those in their own household, have denied the true faith. Such people are worse than unbelievers.

In the area I live I have meet several "men" (as far as I am concerned, the term "male" is more accurate) who don't work, don't want to work, and make their wives work to support them and their habits.  I won't even blame President Obama (not yet) for this because they have been doing this before I moved here.

Let me quickly say I am not talking about disabled men or those on retirements.  I am not stretching this by any means, these are men who hunt, drink beer and watch TV.  When I say that's all they do, I mean THAT'S ALL!  My definition of "all" is; ALL means ALL, and thats ALL it means.

However, Provision is more than a having a job.  I would use the word "Supervision" with Provision.  Supervision is "super-eyesight".  That is the  ability to chart a course (vision) for the family and sail it through, no matter what the conditions.  Being a "Pro" at providing is more than meeting financial, physical and emotional needs.  If you are really a "Pro" you should be able to see the "bigger picture" or have as we say discernment?  We need to know our families.  I can tell by a text on my phone if something is wrong with my wife and two daughters - can you?
1Peter 3:7 NLT
In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God's gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered.

Next time you see a man who has less than you in every area but is working, pay Honor to him, for he is a man trying when so many have given up.

More to come...


Thursday, January 7, 2016

Conspiracy to remove the Priest, Provider & Protector (Part I)

First off I want to say I am only a conspiratist where there is a conspiracy.  It was not until I got older that I realized that there is ALWAYS a conspiracy!?  Before I explain let us look at a definition of conspiracy:
conspiracy: a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful, the action of plotting or conspiring.

By it's own definition it is a "secret-plan".  That means that the secret, subversive, subtle, hidden, undisclosed or hush-hush objective is to undermined the already existing plan using illegal or harmful (violent) tactics.  If this plan or objective is hidden then how exactly is it revealed?  Who is involved?  What is the objective?  Where are they located?  When did this start? Why would an individual or group want to do whatever it is they are doing?  You guys always ask great questions.

Lets start by who or what is the Priest, Provider & Protector?  The answer here is two-fold;

The Priest (first fold)
The Priest, Provider and Protector is God's calling for every man to his family.  The Priest is the man who takes the petitions of the family to God on their behalf and relays God's direction to the family, not to be confused with the Prophet who relays God's directives / commandments to the (His) peoples (typically masses).

My goal should be to help my family see their lives in light of and in the light of the gospel.  I am to lead them to Jesus, first in salvation, then in sanctification as I grow towards Jesus myself.  The tools used are prayer, Bible study, music, scripture memory, confession, and repentance.  I don't have to model perfection.  I must model forgiveness!

1Corinthians 11:3 NKJV
But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.

Lead by Leading
As the "head" of the family I lead by leading.  Example isn't a thing, it's the only thing!  The family must see me lead my self to the Lord first, if they are to follow.  I lead with praise to God and with intercession (prayer) to God.

As men, its time to stop being a bonehead, a meat head, a muscle head, an airhead or a knucklehead… do whatever it takes to be a Godly head?

More to come...
