Saturday, April 30, 2016

How to Find Your True Soul Mate!

Recently my good friend Kevin Bair and I were discussing the concept of soul-mates.  Are there "Soul-Mates"?  Does every one have one?  If so, how do I find my soul-mate?  To answer these questions we must first define what a soul mate is and what source we are going to use to find the answer(s).  Many people use the term soulmate for every romantic relationship they become involved with or to their marital partner.  Below are the most common definitions of soul mates:

A soulmate is somebody with whom one has a feeling of deep and natural affinity, love, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, and/or compatibility.

The one person who can always make you smile, who shares your hopes and dreams, who makes you whole.  Urban Dictionary

a person for whom one has a deep affinity, esp a lover, wife, husband, etc.  The Free Dictionary

Soul-mates started with Greek mythology (go figure) which said our ancestors once had 2 heads and four arms (for "intellectual leaders" of the times - they had weird ideas).  Anyway, supposedly they did something to offend a god and were punished by being spilt down the middle, resulting in the creation of humans.  Humans, as punishment were condemned to spend their lives searching for their other half or soulmate.

First, if a soul-mate is just someone or thing that makes me feel good inside and that I love - I ate it for lunch, it was a homemade pizza and it was good!  Really, most people would say that their soul-mate is one that makes them "whole".  That is how we are going to answer this question by using "one who makes you whole".

Second, you are not going to be surprised that we will use the book which tells us how we were really designed and about the Designer - The Bible.

Ok, the Bible does tell us a lot about our mate and about our soul.  According to God's Word, we are a spirit being, living in a body, possessing a soul.
1 Thessalonians 5:23 NKJV  Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Bible does not us the term "soul-mate" at all, especially to define our spouses.  It does use the term "help-meet" (I spelled it right) though, a very different concept altogether.  In Genesis 2:18 the Hebrew expression ezer kenegdo (help-meet) appears, meaning "one who is the same as the other and who surrounds, protects, aids, helps, supports."
Genesis 2:18 AMP  Now the Lord God said, It is not good (sufficient, satisfactory) that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper meet (suitable, adapted, complementary) for him.

The body is temporary, the soul can be killed, however the spirit is eternal.  

Matthew 10:28 NLT  "Don't be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

Death of the soul is separation from God for all eternity.  Jesus came to save my soul from hell.
1 Peter 1:9 NLT  The reward for trusting Him will be the salvation of your souls.

Lets rap this up;  my spouse/lover/friend is my helper-mate not my soul mate.  In my case Carey (my bride) cannot make my soul whole (which would be to save it).  If she could I would have no need for Christ in my life and He would not have needed to die for my sins.  Conversely, Jesus is OUR soul-mate.  He is the ONLY One who can save our souls and make them whole again by restoring our relationship with God The Father.  Every one can have Him as their soul-mate, do you?


Saturday, April 9, 2016

This is very difficult for me...

I haven't written much in the past four months.  I have been focusing on my health when my Toddler is napping instead of writing.  Today... This is very difficult for me to write about, it is both a compliment of the highest praise I can give to the men and women of our Armed Forces (of which my son is a member) and the strongest criticism of the Christian Church.

The United States Military is comprised of men and women both broken and whole, black and white, young and old, of different beliefs, thoughts, motives and political affiliations, etc., whom  come together more successfully than any other group in the world to Defend The Weak, Protect The Proud, and Promote The Good Freedom that is under attack from within its own citizenship.  These Warriors are the best trained, most dedicated and most versatile, for they not only are trained to kill but trained to help as well.  When non military disaster strikes, we are the first to recognize one race of people - the human race, which we send billions in aide to help.

A man I once worked with at the Lake Worth Police Dept back in the early 1980's was in the Army, and the relationship we developed then turned my heart towards all of our military.  A people, though different, united in purpose, dedicated in spirit and convicted in heart.  What an honor it has been to know him and the others who's paths have crossed.

The Christian Church in the United States is comprised of men and women, broken and whole, black and white, young and old, of different beliefs, thoughts, motives and political affiliations, etc., and that is the problem.  Rather than being "Children of The King" we are people separated by denominations, ethnicity, economics and doctrines.  Doctrine is important, however I am talking about God's people, not the unbelievers or make believers but the believers.  As a whole our training is poor, yet we have the most incredible teachers and tools at our disposal.  The Church Body is powerless because of the sin we have let enter our lives and congregation which has separated us from The Father.  We have the biggest weapon available to all of mankind - Prayer, and don't use it like we should.  We have the Most powerful Ally sent to mankind - The Holy Spirit and we don't know how to talk with Him.

We have one group of people who would die for not only their country and the people of it, and another group who's leader is the King of All and they can't open their mouths about Him, let alone die for there faith in Him?

I am sorry to all those who never knew I was a Christian, especially to those who saw me act inconsistently with what I believe, and mostly to The Lord - please forgive me...


A repost from three years ago that spoke to me again.  I hope it does to you.