Monday, August 15, 2011

Breaking Story-National Disgrace!

Why do we continue to pay other countries (enemies no less) to hate us?  We can get that for free!


  1. Chris Timmins Why have we made ouselves oil-dependent on the very countries who want nothing more than to see our demise?

  2. Susan Wellborn: But we can send $770 million to egypt to repair one mosque - with no strings, permits, etc I'm sure - and our own towns have to beg and scrape and jump thru hoops to get ONE million

  3. I agree Chris, especially when there is more oil in this country than in the middle east!

  4. I wonder Susie if we would give money to a Neo Nazi facility to repair? As far as I am concerned the mosque's are one and the same!

  5. Thank you Susan Wellborn for bringing this story to my attention to post.


Thank you for your input - ernie