Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Who's Your Daddy?

A few days ago my parents came over for a visit.  My father asked me if I was following any of the debates and whom I was interested in.  I told dad that I was for anyone running against Obama.  After a few moments I retraced that statement, here's why?

After I made the above statement, I told my dad I did not like Mitt Romney.  My mother gasped and asked why.  He is a mormon I said.  My mother turned to my father and asked if that was true and my father replied in the affirmative.  (I could write a blog on the last sentence alone - but will continue).  My mom turned back to me and then said; so what, he is a conservative.  Mormonism is a cult and a very dangerous one I believe was my response.  Now I am going to tell you the rest of this out of order because I think you will gain a better understanding of where I am coming from.

I do not believe that this election (2012) has anything to do with political ideologies as most of the previous elections, but has more to do with Good v. Evil?  To me, since President Reagan (the greatest president in my lifetime) each election went from this idea verses that idea to character, to faith, to principles, to our founding fundamentals.  Ironically our Founding Fathers are documented as men of Character, Faith and Principles!  We have removed God from our schools and replaced Him with abortion, crime, STD's, condoms, drugs and kids killing kids and we wonder why our country looks the way it does!?  We have moved so far away from our roots that even some one of no faith can sense the evil lurking over our nation.

I asked my dad who Mr Romney's father was and he began to tell me Mr Romney's fathers name and occupation.  I stopped my father and asked who is (Romney's) Spiritual Father is?  God my father replied.    Jesus said in John 14:9b Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father!  Both of my parents were familiar with that scripture and actually finished it for me as I spoke it.  I then told my folks that if you have a false image of Jesus Christ the Son, then you have a false image of God the Father.  If you are worshiping this false image then you are worshiping a false god!  Since their is only One True God, then every other is false and of satan.

John 8:19 NLT   "Where is Your father?" they asked. Jesus answered, "Since you don't know who I am, you don't know who My Father is. If you knew Me, you would also know My Father."

John 8:38 NLT  I am telling you what I saw when I was with My Father. But you are following the advice of your father."

John 8:44 NLT  For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character

; for he is a liar and the father of lies.

You see, I told my Dad, it does't matter if the person is a right wing conservative or a left wing subversive muslim socialist (I think you get what I am trying to say), if they are not a Blood bought Born Again Child of God - their daddy is the Devil!  We have all heard that the devil dresses in sheep's clothing!?  As Good and Evil become the main struggle for our Nation, I wonder what clothing satan is putting on these days to keep his deception strong?

Who's your daddy my friends?



Thank you for your input - ernie