Friday, June 2, 2017

Mike's Question About Commandment "9"

Mike asks;
9. Do not lie. But little lies are ok? The police officer that tells a child that the doctors are doing all they can for mommy when he knows she was dead on arrival? Telling a friend that you just need them to come over to "help" with something while a surprise party is being set up? Telling your significant other that she looks good when you know dam well she doesn't?

Scripture says;
Exodus 20:16 NKJV   You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

To "bear false witness against" others is to lie about them, typically for personal gain or out of fear (two most common reasons).  The Hebrew word translated “neighbor” in this commandment means an associate, a brother, companion, fellow, friend, husband, lover, or neighbor.   The terminology indicates the focus is on slander and libelous accusations, primarily within a legal setting.  The preservation of justice is dependent on the reliability of the witness.  Character assassination in any form, would constitute false witness and would be a violation of this commandment.

The Israelites were commanded to be truthful in all things, especially when speaking about another person.  God's people were not to lie publicly, as in a court of law by any false charge against another.  God is perfection and requires it of us.  There are many scriptures that indicate that God cannot lie.

Tit 1:2 NKJV  in hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began,

Our ignorance says; He is God, He can do anything right?  The god of the koran is allah, he is not the same as God like people are lead to believe.  Jehovah is immutable, unchanging which gives us security  in knowing He is who He said He is and will do and be what He said He will be.  Where as allah is capricious and the koran flaunts this, he can change is mind whenever he wants - that is not security but fear.

The Bible says that God chose us before the foundations of the world.  Spurgeon writes: “I’m glad He did it then; if he saw me now, he might have changed his mind.”  We can rest in the fact that God is unchanging and so is His love for Mike and me.

There is a thing called Compulsory Honesty which is a very dangerous thing.  I have "friends" like this who brag (pride) about being honest.  Their honesty is unwanted (not asked for), unhealthy and is based on skin deep reactions (superficial responses from an untamed tongue).  The Bible tells us to tell the truth in love.  I will admit that telling the truth in love doesn't always have to sound lovely, but still must be out of a loving heart.

Again we lie when it is to our benefit - You look great baby!  We lie when we are afraid - I don't want to be the one to tell that kid their mommy is dead.  

Have I lied?  Yes.  Will I lie again?  Unfortunately...


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Thank you for your input - ernie