Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Deception Series: Theft

In our continuation of things that deceive us, we are going to look at one that might surprise you, Theft?  Now how in the world can we be deceived by theft?  I know it can hurt us both emotionally and financially, but what is the deception?  You always ask the best questions (your smart).  Let us look at what theft is according to Wikipedia;
In common usage, theft is the taking of another person's property without that person's permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it.

Now there are different types of theft from Burglary to Robbery usually involving other crimes such as assaults, threats or physical violence.  For our purposes those other crimes (if any) only support the deception caused by stealing.   The "deception" is not in the taking, but in the WHO and the WHY.

"WHO" and "WHY": Simple, Who is people.  Duh - I know that!  Is there anything these people have in common?  Of course, they don't believe God!  What?  That's right, they don't believe in God, that's the "WHY".  You thought I was going to say something like greed, need, or some mental disorder.  What about the person who says that they have a genetic predisposition towards stealing?  My answer is so does everyone else!?  that's why God tells us to exercise self-control (1 Peter 1:13) and not steal (Lev 19:11).

How does not believing in God relate to theft?  God, not allah, budda or bubba, tells us He desires to take care of us (1 Timothy 6:17) and knows us intimately and our value (Luke 12:7).  Your bald you say (lol), then He and only He knows our real needs (Matthew 6:8) even before we ask (or know them ourselves).

BOTTOM LINE:  When God is not honored in society, crime is!  If we believe in God and what He has done for us, and what He desires to do for us, we won't turn to ourselves to answer our problems.  Don't follow your heart (Jeremiah 17:9) guard it (Psalm 51:10).

Be Blessed not deceived for the Lord thy God is with you...

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Thank you for your input - ernie